Tuesday, June 17, 2008

One is Silver, the Other, Gold

I have been giving great thought to this blog, to my Ravelry projects (all linked to my original blog) and to how to preserve the information from one, for the other.

My idea is this: to put all my Ravelry knitting projects onto SweetKnits (it was created at the same time I created the one you are reading now), and use that blog to link to Ravelry. This blog will remain as the original: for whatever in the world I want! Sure, I'll keep knitting here; and grandbaby pictures, and food and garden and vacation - you get the idea.

The work entailed in the transfer of Ravelry project information is something I am not quite ready to think about yet; but I believe it's doable. If you have had a similar task, I would like to hear from you. I need to think about it more and bring some order to the process.

So, like soup, where individual foods need time in the pot with one another to become something altogether new and delicious, my thoughts need time, too. If only I had taken some time to think before deleting my old email address...but you know, I believe there is always a silver lining in the darkest cloud.

Mom taught me that...
what a gift!


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